Google Flights
Yet another cool thing developed by Google that I accidentally stumbled across. Point and click on the map and it will display the cheapest flights from point A to […]
Eclectic Thoughts on Shiny Distractions
Yet another cool thing developed by Google that I accidentally stumbled across. Point and click on the map and it will display the cheapest flights from point A to […]
A little open source tool to help you determine the fastest DNS for your internet access. I haven’t used it yet, but once I can get onto a protected system […]
The offending image: To fix the header issue on this site, no matter what I tried, I could not get the default picture to reload once I had any other […]
Squirrels. The rodent that made it to ‘cute’ status. Well known for their antics and slightly manic nature, they are cute, energetic and a perfect mascot for this site. This […]
I’ve discovered one of my continual distractions. I’ve been working on setting this thing up and I loaded a few extra photos in to rotate through the header image slot, […]
And master of none. Right? At least, that’s what I’ve always been told. I’ve always been led to believe that in order to master anything, you must study that exclusively […]